Black Employment Awareness Month
Shining Light on Underrepresented Talent
Service Description
Black Employment Awareness Month (BEAM) is an essential, annual September initiative, designed to connect employers, small businesses, Black entrepreneurs, service providers, and stakeholders with Black talent. BEAM aims to address critical issues such as pay disparities, unemployment, underemployment, and the underrepresentation of Black professionals in organizational leadership roles. Additionally, BEAM seeks to champion fair resource allocation for Black entrepreneurs and highlight their invaluable contributions to the Canadian economy. Through INCLUSIFY Career Fair & Workplace Inclusion Conference, BEAM also promotes employment equity for all other equity deserving groups. GET INVOLVED WITH BEAM Participate in BEAM promotion & Advocacy Attend BEAM Professional Connect Host a BEAM networking event Attend INCLUSIFY Career Fair & Workplace Inclusion Conference Spotlight Black Professionals making a difference Create awareness on equal pay, foreign credential recognition Read BEAM’s Black Professional Inclusion Toolkit Host a Black student at your workplace and teach them about your role & industry Host events that promote fair opportunities and resource allocation for Black entrepreneurs